What in the heck is a surgi-cell? -- From Wikipedia: "Surgicel(TM) is a hemostatic agent (blood-clot-inducing material) made of an oxydized cellulose polymer (the unit is polyanhydroglucuronic acid), manufactured by Johnson and Johnson's Ethicon subsidiary. It was introduced into clinical practice in 1949. It is used to control post-surgical bleeding. It is also used by some boxing cutmen to control bleeding.A more recent product is available from Gelitacel and is available at half the cost of Surgicel and has better absorbing properties." I altered the name to reflect how I think of the world I'm about to enter. A cell in which I am trapped, but also a living, breathing thing.
How do you say "Sarada Kakinada"? -- It's pronounced "SAA-ra-dha KAA-ki-naa-da". And it's Telugu, a South Indian language. Ask me if I eat samosas and garlic naan daily, and I may slap you.
Why am I blogging? -- It started out of boredom and need for an outlet, but now it's a way of recording my experiences as I enter my residency. It's sure to be crazy and messed up and just too nutso to be true, and this will be my evidence that it DID actually happen and I didn't hallucinate the whole thing.
How did you pick surgery? -- I applied to both ob-gyn and surgery during The Match. What I loved was the OR environment, and the management of surgical patients. I picked surgery because I think the cases are more interesting (and thrilling) and the lifestyle (following fellowship) is slightly more manageable. My program does actually cover gynecology during nights and weekends, so I will still get a little bit. But there is nothing like a squishy healthy baby in your arms after a good delivery, and I will miss that.
Do you like anything outside of medicine? -- I also love singing when nobody's around, traveling, painting my toenails, wine-tasting and eating foods that will surely turn my liver into a fatty bloated whale.
Who are all these sad sack patients you write about? -- They are expertly disguised people who I may or may not have encountered during my training. I change names, dates, gender, age and clinical diagnoses to protect their privacy, in compliance with HIPAA. Also, to save my own butt from getting busted by the feds, the hospital and worst of all, my surgical chief residents. Eeek!
Should I take your comments as medical advice? -- HECK NO!!! These are just my musings, and are in no way a reflection on actual standard of care. If you have questions, definitely contact your own doctor and get a professional evaluation and treatment. (Or skeezy personal injury lawyer. Hello, John Edwards!)